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英国的曼彻斯特大学的艺术与人文学院是英国排名前十的艺术与人文学院之一(依据2018年QS世界大学排名),本站小编还有推荐该专业的理由呢?一起来看看吧。  推荐理由一:研究领域广  在曼彻斯特学习期间获得广泛的艺术史基础,曼彻斯特是众多艺术画廊的所在地。探索您对古典、中世纪、文艺复兴、巴洛克、浪漫
2019-08-13 07:00:02


艺术史和历史专业汇集了两个学科领域的专业知识,为您提供更广泛的学习。那么如果你想去英国学习艺术史和历史专业,本站小编会为您推荐哪所院校呢?跟着本站来详细了解一下吧。  推荐理由一:专业的高排名  曼彻斯特大学的历史专专业,英国排行第7位,(依据:2018年QS世界大学排名)。  从跨学科的角度研
2019-08-13 07:00:02

not so much as 的用法

例如: He isn't so much ill as depressed. (=He not so much. .. as. .. 是一个常用的并列连词, 其含义相当于 rather than,意为"与其说是……倒不如说是……"。和其它连接词一样, 它可以连接词与词,短语与短语以及......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

如何使用not so much as

not so much as = 与其说前者,不如说后者 not so much as = 连?都不 1.He did not so much as stir a finger. 他一点力都不肯出。 (连?都不) 2.Success lies not so much in luck as in hard work. 与其说成功......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

not so much...as 与其说是…不如说是

not so much...as 与其说是?不如说是 1) Successful implementation of Channel Management is not so much as a question of supporting as many functions as possible using software, as of identifying the core areas and ......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

not so much as

1. Success lies not so much as in luck as in hard work. 与其说成功在于运气不如说是辛勤努力。 2. How is it possible to expect mankind to take advice when they will not not......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

not so much as与 not so much...as 有何区别?

杜淑萍 【期刊名称】《英语知识》 【年(卷),期】2010(000)006 【摘要】【问】[498]在课外阅读中经常会遇到 not/withoutsomuchas 和 not so much…as 这两个相似的结构。请问二者有何区别? 【总页数】1 页(P.47-47) 【关键......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

习惯用法-So...as和as...as的用法 yo16

So…as 与 as….as 的比较用法 正确:not so …as(否定句):not so much by X as by Y, not so much in…as in…, not so…as As…as(肯定句: as much because…as because…,as…as, 否定句) So......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

as as not as as 专练

as…..as not as/so ……as 专练 一、填空 1.The red coat is as___(long) as the blue one. 2.My sister is not so___(tall) as me/I. 3.Mike sings as___(loud) as Mark. 4.They don't get up as__......
2024-05-09 13:06:52


not so much...as 与其说是…不如说是 1) Successful implementation of Channel Management is not so much as a question of supporting as many functions as possible not so much...as 与其说是…不如说是 1) Successful ......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

形容词--带as(so)… as的结构

The situation is not so bad as had been painted. 形 势没有描绘的那样糟糕。 Jack is not as(so) old as he looks. 杰克不像他看起来 那样老。 3. 这种结构中也可包含一个状语或有 almost, just, nearly, quite 这类......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

so as to与so... as to的区别

Next week I am going to Beijing so as not to attend a meeting. 我下星期去北京不是为了开会。 2. so... that 和 so... as to 虽然表示的意思几乎是一样的, 而且两个 so 后面都是接形容词或副 词, 但它们所在的......
2024-05-09 13:06:52


时可用“not as(so)... as” 这种结构: It isn’t so cold as yesterday. 今天不像昨天那样冷。 He is not so handsome as his brother. 他不像他哥哥那 样英俊。 学习好资料 欢迎下载 I’m not so experienced as you ......
2024-05-09 13:06:52


( 1 ) He is not ( isn't ) a man to give things up easily.他不是一个随便放弃的人。( 2 ) He can not ( cannot, can't ) speak Chinese as well as Tom.他的汉语没有汤姆讲得那么好。( 3 ) You did......
2024-05-09 13:06:52


在美国英语中,人们通常用 as…as 引导让步状语从句。如: Cold as it was, we went out.=As cold as it was, we went out. 尽管天气冷,我们还是出去了。 Successful as he is, he is not proud.=As successful as he is......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

It is not so much the language___the cultural backgro_百度题库

It is not so much the language___the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand. A.butB.norC.asD.like 热门考试 高考 一级建造师 二级建造师 初级经济师 中级经济师 教师资格证 企业法律顾问......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

 DNot so long ago,most people didn’t know who Shelly An...

Not so long ago,most people didn’t know ...
2024-05-09 13:06:52


not so much... as (but) ... 与其说……还不如说…… (2) ... not so much that...as (but) that... 与其说……还不如说…… (3) ... not so much as... (=not even) 甚至于不……,连……也不…… ......
2024-05-09 13:06:52

The atmosphere is not so capable of storing heat as ocean cu...

The atmosphere is not so capable of storing heat as ocean currents. A.大气不像海水那样能储存热。B.海流比大气能储存更多的热量。C.大气储存热量的能力不如海流强。D.大气层就像海流一样,不能储存热量。 热门考试 高考 ......
2024-05-09 13:06:52


龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn A NOT-SO-M...
2024-05-09 13:06:52

2018-2019-英语not so hot用中文怎么翻译word版本 (2页)

2018-2019-英语 not so hot 用中文怎么翻译 word 版本 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为 word 格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 英语 not so hot 用中文怎......
2024-05-09 13:06:52


not so much... as (but) ... 与其说……还不如说…… (2) ... not so much that...as (but) that... 与其说……还不如说…… (3) ... not so much as... (=not even) 甚至于不……,连……也不…… ......
2024-05-09 13:06:52


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